Who is Dr. Botanica?
Doctor Botanica is a 30-year veteran in the Natural Product industry, complementary and alternative medicine. He is also a health historian, chemical ingredient, and natural product researcher.
After a 4 year profession as a radio announcer and talk show producer, he returned to school to pursue a diploma in Oriental Medicine, Metabolic Therapy, and Nutritional Science. In the process of this educational endeavor, Doctor Botanica owned and operated 4 health food stores.
Within 30 years of experience, he has attended over 300 symposiums and workshops conducted by great pioneers like Charlotte, Gerson of the famous Gerson Therapy, Dr. Mathias Rath, M.D., Dr. Joel Wallace, Dr. Samuel Epstein, Harvard Scholar, Dr. Len Horowitz, and the late Dr. Nicolas Gonzales, M.D., and several others. For a decade he was also a member of the Cancer Control Society.
Doctor Botanica is a provider for ZRT laboratories which conducts Bioidentical hormone, Cardio-Metabolic, Neurotransmitter, and Elemental testing using nanotechnology. He is also the original creator and leading writer of the 2005 title “MediSin” and will be completing the 2022 edition of MediSins, along with the title “Whole Fool’s.
Doctor Botanica was highly endorsed by the late great Icon Dick Gregory. Lastly, Dr. Botanica specializes in all Chronic and Degenerative Diseases using several modalities and has a professional supplement dispensary comprised of professional line formulas, nutritional systems, tonics, organic foods, and chemical-free body care.
In 2014, Dr. Botanica with a Client who had been challenged with endometriosis and fibroids. The client was unable to work for sometime, even after seeing two different OBGYN’s she was unsuccessful. The client decided to try an alternative and was referred to Dr. Botanica. Within 2-weeks of following Dr. Botanica’s protocol, the client was vastly improving and was able to return to work began healing from her reproductive challenge.
Dick Gregory viewed Dr. Botanica as one of the greatest minds in nutritional science and alternative health care.
A photo of Gary Micheau and Dick Gregory. In September of 2000, Gary, was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastasis and was given a 6-month to a year prognosis, he was referred to Dr. Botanica. After the evaluation, Dr. Botanica implemented an adjuvant nutritional and metabolic therapy program that would complement the traditional treatment. 2-weeks prior to beginning chemo and radiation therapy, Gary started Dr. Botanica’s Complementary program. !4 months later, there was no sign of Stage IV, Non-Small-cell Lung cancer. After the traditional treatment, Gary continued Dr. Botanica’s Program for 4 years, In April of 2006, Gary was told that he was free of cancer. The Chemo and radiation Oncologists were interviewed along with the Pulmonary Doctor and Primary care physician, all stated that they have never seen a case like Gary’s. A couple of doctors stated that he was a miracle patient.
Dr. Botanica’s Sirius Health Podcast Promo.