As a Health Science Historian, Doctor Botanica has compiled a library of healing modalities based on the work of many pioneers and mentors of this system of holistic and alternative medicine. With multidimensional training combined with nearly three decades of research and experience, Doctor Botanica has successfully helped many people across the American Continent recover from many chronic and degenerative diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and autoimmune challenges.
The World-Renowned Medical Doctor Mathias Rath from Germany created an immaculate institution of health through the science of Orthomeolucular medicine. Dr. Botanica has the privilege to learn from this great pioneer of cellular medicine and has been a student of Orthomolecular Medicine since 2003.
This is a fundamental education on viruses and what scientists have discovered about their character, nature, and potential. As you can see from this 1967 video presentation, scientists are capable of engineering viruses in laboratories.
Dr. Botanica has had the privilege to correspond with and learn a broader spectrum of the causes of cancer and other degenerative diseases from the famous health physician, writer, and researcher, Samuel Epstein, M.D.
It is a fundamental property of immunity that no part of our body is cut off from its surveillance. For this reason, although the immune system may seem a less substantial thing than an organ such as the heart or the liver, in the aggregate, immunity consumes enormous resources, producing a large number of cells that it depends on for successful functioning. However, if one consumes a diet that consists of adulterated, irradiated, and refined foods on a regular basis in addition to the absents of appropriate supplementation, the surveillance mechanism of the immune response will become compromised and one body will succumb to the lurking pathogen. Therefore, one must seek professional education/consultation with a qualified practitioner who can implement an appropriate protocol.
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